Monday, July 30, 2007

SomaStar #1 Timothy Ferriss & His ECO Angst

Timothy Ferriss

Bio: Serial entrepreneur and ultra-vagabond Timothy Ferriss has been featured in The New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, Maxim, and other media. He is a guest lecturer at Princeton University in High-tech Entrepreneurship and The 4-Hour Workweek (Crown/Random House) is his debut book on ideal lifestyle design. He speaks five languages, runs a multinational firm from wireless locations worldwide, and has been a world-record holder in tango, a national champion in Chinese kickboxing, and an actor on a hit television series in Hong Kong. He is twenty-nine years old. He's been called the 'Indiana Jones for the Digital Age'.

This ECO has created a world of his own and invited us to join him. In his book, The 4 Hour Work Week he details how the door is opening for more and more people to join what he calls the New Rich (NR) and stop living the old paradigm he called Deferers (D) that arrange their lives in a sequence where they work for 40+ years and delay any real gratification for their retirement. Tim challenges this set up and does so using all three of his Secondary Domains to align his life to flow from IN-8 pattern #3 (freedom) to pattern #7 (happiness). He challenges us to forget our past programming and embrace a lifestyle that avoids what he calls W4W (work for work's sake). His business takes in around $60K/month, yet he checks e-mail every 10-14 days and travels the world. His secret is that Tim has learned how to seperate the way he spends his time and the way he makes money. He also has been able to unhook where he lives (or travels) from where he works, which allows him to run a company with him as the sole employee and 200-300 'outsourcers' as his virtual, global business network. He took his angst (working 12 hours/day for $40K/year) and became a SomaStar (someone who's able to open their identity up and weave in aspects of all 4 life narratives to create a truly integrated life story). Take a look at some of footprints he left for us.

Last Blog Entry - July 27th, 2007

Wiki Page - 4 Hour Work Week

PodCast Interview - March 2007

MSNBC You Tube Interview re: Barry Bonds

OK, that's a fly over on Tim...catch him if you can...

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ShowTime: WED 8-9pm EDT
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Monday, July 23, 2007

The Laws Of ONTOalchemy

From a very early age, money establishes it's presence in life. Cultures, countries, families, and individuals relate much of their social identity to money. It is as unavoidable as gravity but remains a mystical pursuit for 95% of the world's population. Phrases like 'follow the money', 'show me the money' and 'money talks' are axioms of our lottery consciousness. Try and go a day without being offered a no risk financial opportunity, an e-mail scam from Nigerian refugees or a pre-approved credit card application. Jacob Needleman wrote in his 1994 book Money and the Meaning of Life:

“If only we would step back and look at the emotional and spiritual effects money has on us, the green stuff could serve the aim of self-knowledge and become a tool for breaking out of our mental prison.”

Spoken like the true ECO he is. Unhappily for the rest of us, it's the ONTO domain that holds that key. Just like the air is shared but a breath is ours to take, money works through the vertical principles of 'more is up'. This orientation is what drives us somatically to stand, literally to defy gravity and make ourselves the epicenter of our world. PHYLO's tend to rely on gravity and give the same reverence to money. ECO's split the baby and make their defiance figurative and carry the emotional and spiritual burden Needleman speaks to in his book. EXO's are free of those traps yet their see no value in self-knowledge so their relationship with money tends to be all or none; digital.

So what does an ONTO see that we don't see? The see money as a projection, not a reflection of themselves. Since projection is second nature to an ONTO everywhere they look in the world with passion becomes a new way to expand their sense of self. When coherent, you get charity, benevolence and prosperity. The difference is that ONTO's don't rely on that from others to achieve it. It works in the exact opposite direction for them. They see resistance as a cue to focus on a more narrow course of action. They know power is intensified through direct steps. ONTO's work on a level that can see through the resistance PHYLO's fear and ECO's carry because they have no feelings ABOUT money. They have passion FOR money and align themselves internally so their lives consist OF more opportunities to link risk and reward. What remains a dream in most is what an ONTO wakes up to every day. They keep their relationship with money fluid and 100% image-based.

Get the picture? If you don't, one will be sold to you soon enough. ;)

Riff on This! and we'll talk about WED here...
Dial In Number: (646) 478-4847
ShowTime: WED 8-9pm EDT

Monday, July 16, 2007

Save The PHYLO Turtles!

Growing up you either were a dog person or a cat person, a frog/lizard person or a turtle/fish person. As adults, these creatures become threads to our past, to how we view life. That animalistic aspect our nature plays a vital role when we perceive a threat to ourselves or our loved ones. We name our sports teams after animals. We use them in cartoons. But when it comes to understanding the human as an animal, we forget how untamed we really are. When we see violence on the local news or pay to see it in movies or DVD's, we call it a cultural thing. It's an odd situation. It's almost like in order to feel safe, we need to know we aren't afraid. And in order to know we're not afraid, we scare ourselves for entertainment. This 'social' conditioning is always present when we talk about health.

In Michael Moore's movie SiCKO, we get a visceral tour of what life is like inside and outside our culture when it comes to health care. We see some of the most inhumane, cold-blooded corporate agendas grind their ways over and through the lives of the poor, the insured working class. The very young and the very old are shown no mercy. In a sense, SiCKO is a horror movie that aims to awaken its audience to a 'flaw' in our all too human nature. The 'flaw' is called, self-preservation. It's part of our biological wiring that allowed us to survive, develop and 'evolve' into modern civilization. So it's unavoidable. Yet a lot of the reasons why Americans suffer from debilitating health conditions, shortened life spans, and diminished quality of life stems from their lifestyle choices, not their health care coverage. Where's that self-preservation when you need it? Well, it's been outsourced to the same culture that feeds them violence, consumption and an urgency to work at paces that derail families, relationships and ultimately the hopes and dreams of most Americans...
The somatic domain that perpetuates this is, of course, the PHYLO one. While it's the most biologically oriented domain, it's also the most socially conditioned too. So it tends to internalize all the fear and sense of futility the authority figures pump at them. This 'turtling' effect makes them slow to react to the loss of freedom and reluctant to challenge the authorities. So whether it's their local doctor who fills them with stories about infectious disease (better get that kid his shots) or self-limiting conditions (better get that kid an antibiotic) or now contagious diseases (beware the bird flu!) or the mainstream media or the good old medical machine AKA, the pharmacracy, the result is a populace of PHYLO's convinced this is as good as it gets. SiCKO aims to change that status quo by showing the beleaguered PHYLO's how other PHYLO's live and work in neighboring countries. This will change the menu when it comes to what's possible in terms of both the health care system, but also for their quality of life. It' simple. If the PHYLO raise the bar, no authority figure can stop them.

Have you ever seen a kid lose a faceoff with a parent when another kid has what they want?

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ShowTime: WED 8-9pm EDT
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Monday, July 9, 2007

Pure EXO-Genius

Maybe it's the dead pan delivery. Or maybe it's the overwhelming logic they use. At the end of the day though, EXO's are effective at spreading ideas because they are experts in observing their outer world. They have infiltrated the species and serve as embedded anthro-apologists for the quirks, flaws and limitations of human nature. Some aim to exploit that and they've designed their tools and systems to appeal to our need for relationship (PHYLO), individuality (ONTO's) and diversity (ECO). EXO's are not wired to be guided by those kinds of 'common' threads. Instead they choose to express themselves in overtly iconocized ways that allow them to effectively shield themselves from the culture's piercing eyes. Like Darth Vadar's mask, the EXO is able to influence the world from behind a well-constructed persona that either entertains, produces or revolutionizes the way we live. That's the difference between their 'brand' of genius and the approval-seeking PHYLO's, the power-seeking ONTO's and the nirvana-seeking ECO geniuses out there. EXO's know their crowd.

Here's a few celebrated EXO's 'being' themselves...

Dirty Harry
Stephen King
Bill Gates

Riff on This! and we'll talk about WED here...

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Dial In Number: (646) 478-4847
ShowTime: WED 8-9pm EDT

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Monday, July 2, 2007

ECO Vacation

This week we get explore a slice of our shared consciousness. The domain that most embraces the journey from 'me to we' are the ECO's. Whenever we experience a mood-alteration in any direction we are leaving the rhythm of the known and pointing our lives into the unknown. Most people work all year for their Summer vacations. They plan and save and work and wait while they pray that the trip won't be ruined by the weather, their budget or both. ECO's have a different stategy. They take short, but frequent vacations from reality all the time. The Summer is a greta time of year for spotting ECO's. Find the guy dozing at a baseball game with 50,000 people around. Or find a person watching the water run down the cracks in the sidewalk when their washing their car...or humming a radio jingle to themselves when the elevator music doesn't cut it for them. They also may tap their toe when there is no music at all. ECO's work that side of the wave that speaks our need to establish a more fluid connection to our inner world. It's what tells us it's OK to release, relax, let go, and simply be. ECO's know that health and happiness cannot be planned for like most things in life that are intended to be enjoyed and shared. All you need is a free moment...

Here's two ways to get one...

Riff on This! and we'll talk about WED here...
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Dial In Number: (646) 478-4847
ShowTime: WED 8-9pm EDT
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