Maybe it's the dead pan delivery. Or maybe it's the overwhelming logic they use. At the end of the day though, EXO's are effective at spreading ideas because they are experts in observing their outer world. They have infiltrated the species and serve as embedded anthro-apologists for the quirks, flaws and limitations of human nature. Some aim to exploit that and they've designed their tools and systems to appeal to our need for relationship (PHYLO), individuality (ONTO's) and diversity (ECO). EXO's are not wired to be guided by those kinds of 'common' threads. Instead they choose to express themselves in overtly iconocized ways that allow them to effectively shield themselves from the culture's piercing eyes. Like Darth Vadar's mask, the EXO is able to influence the world from behind a well-constructed persona that either entertains, produces or revolutionizes the way we live. That's the difference between their 'brand' of genius and the approval-seeking PHYLO's, the power-seeking ONTO's and the nirvana-seeking ECO geniuses out there. EXO's know their crowd.
Here's a few celebrated EXO's 'being' themselves...
Dirty Harry
Stephen King
Bill Gates
Riff on This! and we'll talk about WED here...
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Dial In Number: (646) 478-4847
ShowTime: WED 8-9pm EDT
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