Monday, July 2, 2007

ECO Vacation

This week we get explore a slice of our shared consciousness. The domain that most embraces the journey from 'me to we' are the ECO's. Whenever we experience a mood-alteration in any direction we are leaving the rhythm of the known and pointing our lives into the unknown. Most people work all year for their Summer vacations. They plan and save and work and wait while they pray that the trip won't be ruined by the weather, their budget or both. ECO's have a different stategy. They take short, but frequent vacations from reality all the time. The Summer is a greta time of year for spotting ECO's. Find the guy dozing at a baseball game with 50,000 people around. Or find a person watching the water run down the cracks in the sidewalk when their washing their car...or humming a radio jingle to themselves when the elevator music doesn't cut it for them. They also may tap their toe when there is no music at all. ECO's work that side of the wave that speaks our need to establish a more fluid connection to our inner world. It's what tells us it's OK to release, relax, let go, and simply be. ECO's know that health and happiness cannot be planned for like most things in life that are intended to be enjoyed and shared. All you need is a free moment...

Here's two ways to get one...

Riff on This! and we'll talk about WED here...
Host Channel:
Dial In Number: (646) 478-4847
ShowTime: WED 8-9pm EDT
Show Blog:

1 comment:

Professor Val said...

Ahhhhhhhhh, ECO vacation (EV)...yeah! I take them all the time too. You know when it's the perfect time to take an EV...when you are being nagged by someone. You can let them talk and talk and peck and peck and be thousands of miles away. Being a therapist I can also look like I'm actively listening and have no f'ing idea what's being said because I left 5 minutes earlier. I would hear "waawaawaa" like the Peanuts teacher in the specials we watched as kids...In the meanwhile I'd be off on a comfortable couch somewhere with the remote in my hand-that's a great place for a quickie EV.

I haven't been on a real vacation in years (other than my yearly weekend trips with Ann Marie, my EXO pal). My resident EXO, Rick and I haven't taken a vacation ::scratching head:: My poor EXOs can't "drop and ECO" like I can.

Hm.. was I typing? I thought I was on that Tasmanian beach for a moment-I think I have some sand in my crack...